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"Apex hero" 14th season "prey" Release Trailer public

2022-07-29 01:36:15来源: 游戏时光

Respawn 工作室公布了《Apex英雄》第十四赛季「猎物」的发布预告片,本期预告内容紧接上一期外域故事「生存」,讲述了新传奇「万蒂奇」为救出母亲而加入 Apex 竞赛的故事。视频地址 《Apex英雄》第十四赛季将于北京时间 8 月 10 日上线,除了新传奇「万蒂奇」参战,新赛季还将带来重新改版的「王者峡谷」地图(从本次预告内容来看,经典地点「骷髅镇」将会回归),以及等级上限提升等内容。此外,Respawn 工作室宣布将在 8 月 1 日公布第十四赛季的实机预告。视频截图来源:EA

& nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; Respawn studio announced the release trailer of "prey" for the 14th season of "apex hero". This trailer follows the previous Outland story "survival", which tells the story of the new legend "vantage" joining the apex competition to save his mother. Video address & nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; The 14th season of "apex hero" will be launched on August 10, Beijing time. In addition to the new legend "vantage", the new season will also bring a revised map of "King's Canyon" (from the content of this preview, the classic location "skull town" will return), as well as the increase of the level limit. In addition, respawn studio announced that it would announce the real-world preview of the 14th season on August 1. Video screenshot source: EA