新关注 > 信息聚合 > 盘点韩国娱乐圈童年身世悲惨的明星们


Inventory of South Korean entertainment childhood miserable stars

2014-12-04 11:32:31来源: 中国娱乐网

金在中 金在中童年 金在中 2012年起金在中开始进军商业投资, 在韩国首尔江南区开设第一家日式料理店,并于2013年4月成立自创箱包品牌MOLDIR,生意蒸蒸日上。不过事业如日中天的他,却有一段不同寻常的悲惨童年。 作为东方神起成员出道成名,金在中原名韩在俊,生父姓韩,亲生...

childhood Kim Jaejoong Kim Jaejoong Kim Jaejoong 2012 Kim Jaejoong began to enter the commercial investment, opened the first Japanese restaurant in South Korea Seoul Jiangnan area, and set up own bags brand MOLDIR in 2013 April, the business be on the upgrade. But his career to be very influential, but had an unusual childhood. TVXQ members as his fame, Kim Jaejoong formerly known as Han Zaijun, father surnamed Han, biological...