新关注 > 信息聚合 > 戴尔塔式服务器T20 苏州新年促销6800元

戴尔塔式服务器T20 苏州新年促销6800元

Delta servers T20 Suzhou New Year promotion 6800 yuan

2016-01-29 19:07:07来源: 中关村在线

(中关村在线江苏行情)戴尔PowerEdge T20服务器定位中小型用户市场,该机在外观设计方面相当紧凑,尽量减少空间占用的同时具备更高的灵活性。入门级英特尔至强处理器的配备更让这款服务器的性能得到...

(Zhongguancun Online Jiangsu market) Dell PowerEdge T20 server market targeting small and medium users, the machine is quite compact in design, while minimizing the space occupied with greater flexibility. Entry-level Intel Xeon processors with leaving the performance of this server to get ...