新关注 > 信息聚合 > CBA季前赛-哈德森14分兰多夫19+9 辽宁力擒北控

CBA季前赛-哈德森14分兰多夫19+9 辽宁力擒北控

Evening of CBA preseason Hudson points and 14 Randolph 19 + 9 Liaoning Liqin Beikong

2015-10-16 23:58:42来源: 搜狐

北京时间10月16日晚,CBA季前赛陕西彬县赛区结束首日角逐。辽宁男篮经过四节较量以105-87战胜北京北控男篮,取得本站赛事开门红。 四节的具体比分为27-20、27-31、22-15和29-...

time of Beijing of October 16, the CBA preseason game Shaanxi Binxian division ended on the first day of competition. Liaoning basketball after four bouts with a 105-87 victory over the Beijing men's basketball team made the Beikong tournament opener. The four section of the specific score for 27-20, 27-31, 22-15 and 29-...