新关注 > 信息聚合 > 家里装修没法实时监控 不如请装修监理帮你忙

家里装修没法实时监控 不如请装修监理帮你忙

Home decoration can monitor please decoration supervision to help you

2015-11-09 09:35:31来源: 吉林广播网

装修的时刻您没办法盯着?那不如试试装修监理!代替您的双眼监控装修每一步。 装修监理就是由专业监理人员组成、经政府审核批准、取得装饰监理资格、在装饰行业中起着质量监督管理作用的职能机构。装修监理作为独立、公正的第三方,在接受业主的委托和授权后,依据《住宅装饰装修验收标准》和业主与装修公...

decoration of the time you can't stare at? That might as well try to decorate the supervision! Replace your eyes to monitor each step of the decoration. Decoration supervision is a professional supervision personnel, through the approval of the government audit, obtain decoration supervision qualification, in the decoration industry plays the role of quality supervision and management functions. Decoration supervision as an independent, impartial third party, in the acceptance of the owners and the authority, according to the "residential decoration acceptance criteria" and the owners and decoration...