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大连中星 多一些时间给你的健康和生活

Dalian Zhongxing more time to your health and life

2015-12-01 14:54:55来源: 爱卡汽车网

大连地区最具豪华车品牌历史的梅赛德斯—奔驰品牌授权经销商。“奔驰世家 大连中星”位于大连市中山区中南路201号(毗邻棒棰岛)。关注“奔驰世家 大连中星”了解梅赛德斯-奔驰最新销售及服务信息,体验奔驰...

Dalian area most with history of luxurious car brand Mercedes - Mercedes Benz brand authorized dealers. "Mercedes Benz family Dalian star" is located in the South Zhongshan District in Dalian City No. 201 (adjacent to bangchuidao). Pay attention to "Mercedes Benz family Dalian star" to understand the latest Mercedes Benz sales and service information, experience benz...