新关注 > 信息聚合 > 日媒盘点女性在初次约会时不该提起的3类话题


Japanese media inventory of women in the first date should not mention the 3 kinds of topics

2015-08-19 18:49:30来源: 人民网广西视窗


After waiting for a long time and finally able to go out with the likes of men, women must be filled with joy, hope to talk to each other more. But no matter how happy and look forward to, women should pay attention not to touch each other and don't forget mentioned the topic. On the first date in the end what is the topic of women should not be mentioned in the "forbidden area"? Japan Menjoy! Website in August 18 journal article inventory of 3 kinds of words men don't want to be mentioned on the first date...