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高效低价 联想 LJ2655DN东莞报1399元

A low-cost and efficient associative LJ2655DN Dongguan 1399 yuan

2015-08-24 19:07:26来源: 中关村在线

(中关村在线东莞行情)近日, 多功能一体机在中关村在线认证经销商“天源海量数码科技”的促销价为1399元, M7675DXF多功能一体机打印、复印、扫描、传真四合一,30页/分钟打印、复印速度,高效...

(ZOL Dongguan quotes) recently, the all-in-one in Zhongguancun Online authentication distributor "Tianyuan massive digital technology" promotional price is 1399 yuan, M7675DXF multifunctional integrated machine print, printing, scanning, faxing a. 30 pages / minute print, copy speed and efficient.