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主办方严查Show Girl 没了白胸和长腿你还去么?

The investigation of Show Girl's white chest and legs and you go to? The annual

2015-04-14 22:54:47来源: TechWeb

每年一度的ChinaJoy游戏展将在今年夏天拉开帷幕,届时将会有各大游戏厂商巨头参展,除此之外,ChinaJoy最吸引人的地方在于身着游戏服饰的Show Girl。几天前,ChinaJoy在官方网站...

ChinaJoy game exhibition will be opened in the summer of this year, there will be the major game manufacturers giant exhibition, in addition to that, ChinaJoy most attractive place is dressed in clothing Show Girl game. A few days ago, in the official website ChinaJoy...