新关注 > 信息聚合 > 央企疑设北京落户年龄限制 大龄毕业生遭解约

央企疑设北京落户年龄限制 大龄毕业生遭解约

The central enterprises settled in Beijing suspected design age limit older graduates terminated

2015-02-13 05:03:06来源: 新浪

中航工业集团的官网上贴出《人社部严控在京单位接收应届毕业生》的公告。网络截图 毕业生遭解约 因央企缩减落户指标? 有消息称各中央单位落户指标今年压缩17%;人社部官网无相关政策信息 新京报讯...

AVIC's official website posted on the "Department of strict control unit receives the graduates in Beijing" announcement. Web screenshot for the central enterprises to reduce graduates terminated settled indicators? The message says the central unit settled in the index this year compression 17%; people club Department official website no relevant policy information news dispatch...