新关注 > 信息聚合 > 韩红和陈奕迅友情超十年 韩红曾帮陈父联系名医

韩红和陈奕迅友情超十年 韩红曾帮陈父联系名医

Han Hong and Eason Chan friendship for over ten years Han Hong had helped Chenfu contact medical

2015-04-01 15:26:25来源: 中国新闻网海南新闻


recently, "I'm a singer" third quarter finals stage while the Triwizard Tournament, originally should become the focus of the headlines, Han Hong doesn't want to the first day of the first was Wang Han took the headlines, second days after being friends Sun Nan grabbed the headlines, the next few days, Eason Chan is the king of true news grabbed headlines in many media. This couple...