新关注 > 信息聚合 > 全民无双孟获值得培养吗 孟获好用不

全民无双孟获值得培养吗 孟获好用不

National Warriors Meng Huo Meng Huo worth cultivating it not easy to use

2016-01-07 16:06:55来源: 4399

在全民无双中,孟获属于物理攻击的武将,拥有控制效果的技能。那么孟获值得培养吗?孟获技能有哪些?孟获宿命是哪些武将呢?孟获好用不?一起来看看孟获怎么样吧。 ▍孟获获得 集齐40个孟获将魂石即可召唤...

Unparalleled in the referendum, the generals belonging Meng Huo physical attacks, have control effect skills. Meng Huo then worth cultivating it? Meng Huo skills are there? Meng Huo fate is what the generals do? Meng Huo not easy to use? Take a look at how about Meng Huo. ▍ Meng Huo Meng Huo will get an assembly of 40 to summon the soul stone ...