新关注 > 信息聚合 > 末节+加时仅4分!阿联32+12成空 三节后他仅投2次

末节+加时仅4分!阿联32+12成空 三节后他仅投2次

The distal + overtime only 4 points! Las 32+12 into space three postganglionic he only cast 2 times

2014-11-26 22:55:13来源: 网易

主场加时不敌辽宁队,广东队内线易建联得到32分12篮板。此役,他前三节得到28分10篮板。但最后一节和加时赛,阿联只得到4分。让人纳闷的是,最后一节和加时赛如此重要的关头,阿联却只出手2次。 网易...

overtime not enemy Liaoning team, Guangdong team insider Yi Jianlian had 32 points and 12 rebounds. The three day before, he had 28 points and 10 rebounds. But in the last quarter and overtime, the Arab Israeli alliance received only 4 points. Let people wonder, the last quarter and overtime so important juncture, Yi is just 2 shots. NetEase...