新关注 > 信息聚合 > 重庆大学生用纸板木棍搭出“盗梦空间” 造型奇特..

重庆大学生用纸板木棍搭出“盗梦空间” 造型奇特..

College students in Chongqing with paperboard stick to take "stolen dream space" shape strange..

2015-05-16 18:45:54来源: 华龙网

部分建筑很具有实用性,可以放置花草,也可作为书架。 通讯员 孙杨欣 摄 此次建构季,学生可使用木棍设计建筑,但只能是木棍。 通讯员 孙杨欣 摄 8小时搭出一个纸板木构建筑 要求防雨防潮通风 ...

building with practical can be placed flowers, can also be used as a bookshelf. Correspondent Sun Yangxin photo of the construction season, the students can use wooden design architecture, but only a stick. Correspondent Sun Yangxin taken 8 hours on a cardboard wooden building requires rain moisture ventilation...