新关注 > 信息聚合 > “吹牛”有风险,创业者需慎重


"Brag" risk, entrepreneurs need to carefully welcome Sina

2015-08-12 16:49:12来源: 新浪

欢迎关注“创事记”的微信订阅号:sinachuangshiji 文/马海平 中国创业圈最近一件大事是:创业者吹牛逼吹出问题了。整一周时间,朋友圈疯狂刷屏几桩涉嫌吹牛到吹爆了的创业者负面案例。...

concern a antiquities "micro channel subscription number: sinachuangshiji text / MA Haiping Chinese poineering circle a recent event is: entrepreneurs boast forced blowing out of the. The whole week, the circle of friends to brag a few suspected pile crazy scraper blew up the negative case of entrepreneurs. ...