新关注 > 信息聚合 > 8月16日 广物福恒福特店厂家特价直销会

8月16日 广物福恒福特店厂家特价直销会

August 16, Fuk Ford factory store special direct

2015-08-10 21:21:56来源: 爱卡汽车网

主题:8.16厂家特价直销会 摘要:海珠福恒福特店再掀购车狂潮,8.16厂价限时直销,优惠力度空前,限量限时特惠。直击全年底价,机“惠”难得,让你一次过足瘾。8月购车最佳聚惠海珠福恒,不来抢你就...

theme: 8.16 factory special direct Abstract: Haizhu Fu Heng shop Ford to lift the car buying spree, 8.16 priced timed direct, offers unprecedented and limited time special. Watch the annual price, machine "benefits" is rare, so once you had enough addiction. August car best poly Hui Haizhu Fu Heng, not to grab you...