新关注 > 信息聚合 > 追着马云拍照的大学生:心中埋着创业的种子


Ma camera chasing students: Entrepreneurship hearts buried seeds

2016-03-07 14:59:42来源: 中国青年报

“你们要的合照:左起马云、郭广昌、张洪涛、张聪。”西安科技大学的大四学生张聪在朋友圈晒了一张照片。照片中,他正高举着手机拍他的“商业偶像”马云,这一幕意外地被另一位志愿者捕捉到。 2月19日至2月22日,黑龙江亚布力举办中国企业家论坛第十六届年会,180位来自全国各地的大学生担任志愿...

"You want the photo: From left Ma, Guo Guangchang, Zhang Hongtao Zhang Cong." Seniors Xi'an University of Science and Technology Zhang Cong circle of friends a photo of the sun. Photo, he is holding a cell phone pictures of his "business Idol" Ma, this scene was accidentally captured another volunteer. February 19 to February 22, Heilongjiang Yabuli China Entrepreneurs Forum held in the sixteenth annual meeting, 180 students from all over the country as a volunteer ...