新关注 > 信息聚合 > 这三大恶习会毁了孩子一生,家长千万不能纵容


These three big bad habits will ruin a child's life, parents must not be indulged

2016-04-13 21:28:33来源: 搜狐

著名教育家叶圣陶说:教育的目的就是培养习惯。从某种程度上来说,习惯可以决定一个人一生的命运。幼儿时期是人生的起步阶段,同时也是各种行为习惯的养成阶段。家长应该重视孩子良好习惯的培养和熏陶,比如,生活习惯、阅读习惯、劳动习惯等等。对于孩子的恶习,家长一定不要纵容。 中小学家长都喜欢关注的...

Famous educator Ye Shengtao said: the purpose of education is to cultivate habits. To some extent, habits can determine the fate of a person's life. Early childhood is the initial stage of life, but also a variety of behavioral habits of the stage. Parents should pay attention to the cultivation of good habits and nurture children, for example, habits, reading habits, labor habits, etc.. For children's bad habits, parents must not be indulged. Middle and primary school parents like to pay attention to...