新关注 > 信息聚合 > 专家:假冒产品无人投诉 中国创新环境非常艰难

专家:假冒产品无人投诉 中国创新环境非常艰难

Expert: counterfeit products complaints no innovation environment in China is very difficult

2015-07-09 00:26:36来源: 中国新闻网

中新社平潭7月8日电 (林春茵 张艳)“目前中国整个现状是对侵犯知识产权、假冒商标‘你情我愿’的环境,在这基础上谈创新,还面临很长很艰难的路。”国家知识产局原局长、中国知识产权研究会理事长田力普8日...

news agency, Pingtan, July 8 (Xinhua) (Lin Chunyin Zhang Yan) "at present the status quo of China is to infringe upon the intellectual property and trademark counterfeiting 'I wish you love' environment. On the basis of this talk about innovation, still faces a long hard road." The former director of the State Bureau of intellectual property, the chairman of the China Intellectual Property Research Association, Tian Lipu 8, china...