新关注 > 信息聚合 > 中移动关于调整WLAN业务SSID和认证方式的通知


On the adjustment of WLAN service in mobile SSID and the authentication mode to inform

2015-01-23 15:23:52来源: CTI论坛

据中国移动官网上称,为了更好的为您提供服务,自2015年1月1日至2月28日,中国移动将调整WLAN无线网络接入服务,将原CMCC-AUTO无线网络变更为CMCC。 此次变更主要面向手机科户提供...

according to China Mobile's website said, in order to better serve you, from January 1, 2015 to February 28th, China Mobile will adjust the WLAN wireless network access service, the original CMCC-AUTO wireless network becomes more CMCC. This change mainly for households to provide mobile phone division...