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一眼秒杀 华硕4K大屏VivoBook4000开售

A glimpse of the spike ASUS 4K large screen sale VivoBook4000

2015-09-15 23:38:54来源: 中关村在线

中关村在线消息:想体验超清大片,用1080P的屏播放4K大片再怎么看它也是1080P的画质,而最新推出的VivoBook 4000能带来真正的4K超高清体验。目前,华硕VivoBook 4000在京东正式开售,售价8999元,相比于其他售价上万的4K笔记本更加亲民,而且现在购买还将获赠精...

Zhongguancun Online News: want to experience the ultra clear blockbusters, with 1080p screen play 4K large again to see how it is 1080p picture quality, and the latest vivobook 4000 can bring real 4K Ultra HD experience. At present, the ASUS vivobook 4000 in Jingdong officially on sale, price 8999 yuan, compared to other fetch tens of thousands of 4K notebook more populist, and now to buy will receive a fine...