新关注 > 信息聚合 > 日本研发最新碳纤维量产工艺:速度快10倍


Japan developed the latest carbon fiber production process: 10 times faster

2016-01-18 14:36:29来源: 环球网

作为21世纪的新材料,很多人把碳纤维看成是“改变全球现存游戏格局”的潜力股。 “小身板”的碳纤维蕴涵着大能量,其在航天工业、国防军工等领域大显身手,被誉为工业界的“黑色黄金”。在手机等设备领域,碳纤维材质也可用于外壳部分的制造。不过在这一领域,日本仍旧领先中国一步。 据《日经新闻...

As new materials of the 21st century, many people carbon fiber as a "change the global pattern of the existing game," the potential of stocks. "Small physique" carbon fiber implies large energy, which play an active role in the aerospace industry, national defense and other fields, known as the industry's "black gold." In the field of mobile phones and other devices, the carbon fiber material can also be used in the manufacture of the shell portion. But in this area, Japan is still one step ahead of China. According to "Nikkei News ...