新关注 > 信息聚合 > 传Snapchat将完成2亿美元融资 估值200亿美元

传Snapchat将完成2亿美元融资 估值200亿美元

Snapchat will transfer $ 200 million to complete the financing valuation of $ 20 billion

2016-05-24 10:59:56来源: 亿邦动力网

据知情人士透露,阅后即焚应用Snapchat正在以约200亿美元的估值进行一轮大约2亿美元的新融资。这轮新的融资一旦完成,Snapchat的融资总金额将超过15亿美元。 据了解,这轮新融资是Sna...

According to informed sources, Burn After Reading Application Snapchat is about $ 20 billion valuation of a new financing round of approximately $ 200 million. This new round of financing, once completed, the total amount of financing Snapchat will be more than 1.5 billion US dollars. It is understood that a new round of financing is Sna ...

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