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中国男排秦皇岛闭门修炼 用年轻人杀出一条生路

Qinhuangdao China volleyball training behind closed doors with young people to blaze a way out

2015-04-27 19:24:04来源: 中国新闻网

曾经的主力仲为君因伤退出国家队,老将袁志和焦帅难以拥有打满全场的充沛体能,张哲嘉等完全符合U23岁年龄结构的“90后”不得不由此上位,新老交替在无奈之下倒逼进行,这就是在秦皇岛备战亚锦赛的中国男排现状。 由于男排亚锦赛也是明年奥运会世界落选赛的资格赛,中国男排只有打进前三名才能晋级资...

once the main looking for you to quit the national team because of injury, veteran Yuan Zhihe Jiao Shuai played the full 90 minutes to have plenty of stamina, Zhang Zhejia fully comply with U23 years of age structure of "after 90" to the host, new old alternant in desperation forced, which is in the Chinese volleyball in Qinhuangdao to prepare for the Asian championships. The men's Volleyball Championships and the Olympic Games next year the world's unsuccessful qualifying tournament, Chinese men only into the top three to qualify...