新关注 > 信息聚合 > 沃尔沃S60L混动车型信息 明年中期上市

沃尔沃S60L混动车型信息 明年中期上市

Volvo S60L hybrid vehicle information mid next year listed

2014-10-08 14:15:55来源: 爱卡汽车网

近日,我们从相关渠道获悉,沃尔沃S60L插电式混动车型将会在2015年年中上市。据悉,该车将在沃尔沃成都工厂投产,汽油发动机部分由张家口工厂负责生产。 小贴士:2015款S60L在今年6月上市;售价26.99-39.09万元;插电式混合动力车型将2015年上市 【沃尔沃S60L P...

recently, we learned from the relevant channels, the Volvo S60L plug-in hybrid models will be listed in mid 2015. It is reported, the car will be put into operation in the Volvo Chengdu factory, the gasoline engine in part by the Zhangjiakou factory in charge of production. Tips: 2015 S60L listed in June this year; price 26.99-39.09 yuan; plug-in hybrid models will be listed in 2015 [the Volvo S60L P...