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又起波澜!辽宁主场激光笔照球员 NBA曾处以重罚

And turmoil! Liaoning home laser pointer according to NBA players who impose heavy fines

2016-01-08 23:25:59来源: 网易

网易体育1月8日报道: 北京时间1月8日晚,CBA常规赛第28轮一场焦点战在辽宁队与北京队之间展开,最终辽宁队主场108-96大胜北京队,取得了7连胜。但本场比赛过程中出现了极不和谐的一幕,球迷看台上有人用激光笔照射北京外援莫里斯的面部。如此恶劣行为在最近的NBA比赛中,肇事者曾被处以...

NEW YORK, Jan. 8 report: Beijing evening of January 8, CBA regular season 28 focus of a battle between the Liaoning team and the Beijing team to start the final Liaoning team home to 108-96 victory over Beijing team, made up 7-game winning streak. But the game occurred during the very scene of discord, it was irradiated with a laser pointer on the face of Beijing foreign aid Morris fans in the stands. So bad behavior in the last NBA game, the perpetrators have been sentenced ...