新关注 > 信息聚合 > 史上最强:288核处理器+4TB内存


Worst: 288-core processor + 4TB memory

2016-01-31 06:42:33来源: 中关村在线

服务器是几乎所有网络服务的物理提供者,高配服务器一向是拥有最强悍民用/商用性能的怪兽。而法国IT服务巨头Atos于近日推出了新旗舰——Bullion S服务器(此为Atos在2014年收购系统方案和...

Physical servers are provided by almost all the network services, it has always been high with the server has the most powerful civilian / commercial performance monster. The French IT services giant Atos recently launched a new flagship --Bullion S server (this is the Atos 2014 acquisition system solutions and ...