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舜天vs上港首发:小将替孙可 于海复出替补

Sainty VS Hong first: young for the sun on the sea return substitute

2015-06-27 19:16:27来源: 新浪

上港南京备战舜天 新浪体育讯 北京时间6月27日,2015赛季中超联赛第16轮打响,江苏舜天在主场迎战上海上港。舜天队国脚任航本场复出,而国奥小将张晓彬则顶替了孙可出任右前卫;上港方面,缺阵多场...

Nanjing port in preparation for the Shuntian sina sports news Beijing time on June 27, 2015 season of Super League in the first 16 round started, Jiangsu sainty at home against the port of Shanghai. Sainty international Ren hang the comeback, and country Austria young fellow Zhang Xiaobin has replaced the sun as right halfback; Hong Kong, missed the field...