新关注 > 信息聚合 > 炉石黑石山版本动物园术士 小鬼首领核心卡组动物..

炉石黑石山版本动物园术士 小鬼首领核心卡组动物..

Hearthstone Heishishan version zoo warlock goblin leader core card group animals..

2015-05-16 10:27:28来源: 电玩巴士

小鬼动物园 小鬼首领在曾经采访的职业选手综合评分中排名18(评分文章在这里,留着2个月后打脸),普遍属于大家看好的单卡之一。果然在大多数人还在打副本的时候,美服的天梯第一就被动物园攻陷了,而小鬼首领...

imp zoo imp leader in once interviewed professionals comprehensive score ranking 18 (score articles here, with 2 months after slapping the face), are generally all promising single card one of. Sure enough when most people are still playing a copy in the US, the first ladder was captured and the zoo, goblin leader...