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CRRC观察之一 古都鏖战见证“十全十美”

CRRC observed a fierce battle one of the ancient capital of witness "perfect" Netease

2015-05-07 21:02:29来源: 网易

网易体育5月7日报道: 轰鸣的马达、弥漫的青烟、弯道上纵横画出的美妙弧线、紧张刺激的赛车场面、让无数车迷热血沸腾的炫酷车技——5月1日至3日,2015年“猛狮电池杯”全国公路摩托车锦标赛(CRRC)首站比赛在江苏溧水万驰国际赛车场澎湃上演。来自全国各地的摩托车队和专业摩托车选手将汇集南...

Netease sports may 7 reported: the roar of the motor, filled with smoke, bend freely drawn wonderful arc, nervous stimulation of the racing scene, let countless fans excited cool trick cycling, May 1 to 3, 2015 "fierce lion battery Cup" National Road Racing Championship (CRRC) first game in Lishui, Jiangsu Wan Chi international racing field surging staged. From all over the country motorcycle team and professional motorcycle players will bring together the south...