新关注 > 信息聚合 > 纳智捷新款优6 SUV预售价公布 售12.88万元起

纳智捷新款优6 SUV预售价公布 售12.88万元起

Na Zhijie new excellent 6 SUV pre price sale of 12.88 million yuan

2015-06-04 10:40:40来源: 人民网

人民网北京6月4日电(涂钦瀚)日前,东风裕隆官方正式公布了纳智捷新款优6 SUV的预售价,新车共推出六款车型,预售价为12.88万至20.08万元。 新车在外观和内饰设计方面与现款车型基本保持一致...

people's Network Beijing on June 4, Tu Qinhan recently, Dongfeng Yulon official officially announced the new Na Zhijie and 6 SUV and the sale price of announced, the new car launched a total of six models, the sale price for 12.88 to 20.08 million yuan. The new car in the exterior and interior design basically consistent with the current model...

标签: SUV