新关注 > 信息聚合 > 阿扎掷700万美元新添房产 海景别墅装潢豪华(图)

阿扎掷700万美元新添房产 海景别墅装潢豪华(图)

Azar throw 700 million dollar Xintian real estate Seaview villa decoration luxury (Figure)

2015-06-13 16:17:50来源: 新浪

阿扎的豪华海景别墅 新浪体育讯 北京时间6月13日消息 近日有消息称白俄罗斯名将阿扎伦卡在美国加尼福利亚州的曼哈顿海滩购买了一套价值700万美元的海滨别墅。 该别墅占地4280平方英尺,共三...

Azar Deluxe Sea View Villa of sina sports news Beijing time on June 13 news recently, there was news that Belarus champion Azarenka in the American state of California Manhattan Beach purchased a value of $700 million in a seaside villa. The villa occupies 4280 square feet, a total of three...