新关注 > 信息聚合 > 汇通路社区里有个啥事都操心的书记


Hui Tong community have anything to worry about leading Secretary

2015-01-13 12:51:57来源: 大河网

■社区主要领导到新风楼院慰问困难党员(右二为池红燕)。 “俺们小区有个社区好书记池红燕,她实实在在为我们解决了不少难题,从跑办房产证,到化解供暖难题,从操持无物业管理的小区卫生,到冒雪慰问孤寡老...

- community to new building homes condolences difficulties Party (right 2 Chi Hong Yan). "We have a district community good record for Chi Hongyan, she really solve a lot of problems for us, from running to do real estate license, to resolve the problem with no heating, from residential property management to the health, comfort the lonely old snow...