新关注 > 信息聚合 > 广西百余毕业生领到“早产学位证” 学校紧急召回

广西百余毕业生领到“早产学位证” 学校紧急召回

Guangxi hundred graduates receive "premature degree certificate" school emergency recall

2015-07-27 20:57:42来源: 人民网

图为早产的“乌龙学位证”。 王刚 摄 广西一大学百余毕业生领到“早产学位证”学校正紧急召回 中新网南宁7月27日电 (王刚 王敏)因打印原因,广西大学部分毕业生领到了“早产”3个多月的“乌龙学...

figure for premature "Oolong degree certificate. Wang Gang photo of a university in Guangxi to receive a college degree certificate, the school is urgent recall of the new network in Nanning in July 27 (by Wang Min Wang Gang) for printing reasons, some graduates from Guangxi University received a premature 3 months of oolong...