新关注 > 信息聚合 > 谢霆锋出席苏永康婚宴 未携王菲现身(图)

谢霆锋出席苏永康婚宴 未携王菲现身(图)

Nicholas Tse attended the William So wedding not articles Faye Wong appeared (Figure)

2014-12-03 10:41:50来源: 中国青年网

谢霆锋独自现身 昨日,46岁的苏永康迎娶圈外女友冯翠珊。此前,作为其好友的谢霆锋极有可能携女友王菲同场现身的猜测,也是不少网友一直期待的。但婚宴上,谢霆锋只身前来道喜,并未见王菲身影。 现场有记者问谢霆锋是否刚刚去完大理旅行,他“嗯”了一声默认,是否跟王菲同行,他笑笑不回答。苏永...

Nicholas Tse alone appeared yesterday, 46 year old William So marry circle the girlfriend of Feng Cuishan. Prior to this, as his friend Nicholas Tse likely carrying his girlfriend Faye Wong and field appeared speculation, but also many netizens have been looking for. But the wedding banquet, Nicholas Tse alone who came, and Faye Wong did not see the figure. The scene reporter asked whether Nicholas Tse has just finished his trip to Dali, "well" the sound of a default, whether with Faye Wong counterparts, he smiled and did not answer. Su yong...