新关注 > 信息聚合 > 巴萨确认今年不签博格巴 4100万购图兰≠失心疯

巴萨确认今年不签博格巴 4100万购图兰≠失心疯

Barcelona confirmed this year do not sign Pogba 41 million purchase of Turan and lost heart crazy

2015-07-07 21:41:05来源: 网易

巴萨主席最大热门巴托梅乌确认,今年内巴萨不会引进博格巴,而刚刚签下的阿尔达-图兰是一桩很棒的转会。 网易体育7月7日报道: 巴萨主席大选现已全面拉开帷幕,就近期各大西班牙媒体民意调查结果来看,巴...

Barcelona president maximum popular Palestinian tome Ukraine confirmed, this year in Barcelona will not introduce Pogba, just sign the Arda Turan is a great pile of transfer. Netease sports in July 7th reported: the Barcelona president's general election has been a comprehensive curtain, the recent major Spanish media opinion survey results, bar...