新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《捉妖记》超《泰囧》登顶国产片票房冠军 徐峥发..

《捉妖记》超《泰囧》登顶国产片票房冠军 徐峥发..

The catch demon "super" Thai embarrassing "summit made films at the box office champion Xu Zhengfa..

2015-07-26 15:02:25来源: 华龙网

【摘要】 今(26)日凌晨,国产电影票房新纪录诞生!上映10天获得12.75亿票房收入的《捉妖记》,打破2012年由《泰囧》创下的12.67亿票房纪录,登顶国产片票房冠军。今早,徐峥在微博上祝贺《捉...

the] today (26) morning, domestic movie box office record birth! Released 10 days get 12.75 million at the box office income "catch demon Ji, breaking 2012 by the Thai embarrassing" record of 12.67 million at the box office record, the summit made films at the box office champion. This morning, Xu Zheng on the microblogging congratulations...