新关注 > 信息聚合 > 在高调的创业时代里做一匹低调的黑马,药品终端..


In the era of high-profile start doing a low-key black horse, medicines terminal ..

2016-03-09 17:22:15来源: 中工网

猎云网(文/沈小雪) 初见老何(药品终端网创始人兼CEO何思德,人称老何),眼前的他不同于微信里那个低调的不能再低调的老何,一切皆因,这次见面,老何给了猎云网一个大写的惊喜——去年12月,药品终...

Hunting cloud network (text / Shen snow) has shown signs of the old Ho (Drug terminal network founder and CEO He Side, known as the old Ho), he is different from the micro-channel in front of the low-key can not be understated how old, all because this meeting times, how old a cloud network to the hunting capital of surprise - in December last year, the drug eventually ...