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主打畅快体验 360手机N4官方邀请函曝光

With the main experience of 360 mobile phone N4 interchange the official invitation letter

2016-04-25 11:03:59来源: 天极网

【天极网手机频道】近期,关于360手机N4新品的消息不断。正当网友对360手机N4的发布会信息议论纷纷的时候,4月25日,360手机官方正式确认,360手机N4将于5月9日在北京751D Park东区故事举办新品发布会,正式揭开了谜底。与此同时,360手机N4发布会邀请函也对外公布,其中...

Recently, yesky mobile channel 】 【 news about 360 mobile phone N4 interchange new product continuously. As a net friend of 360 mobile phone N4 interchange conference information comment in succession, April 25, 360 mobile phone officially confirmed that 360 mobile phone N4 interchange will be in Beijing on May 9, 751 d Park east side story at launch, officially unveiled the mystery. At the same time, 360 mobile phone N4 interchange conference invitation letter also announced, including...