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叶江川高度评价国象巴斯克赛 新颖赛制提升影响力

Ye Jiangchuan spoke highly of chess novel Basikesai format to enhance the influence

2015-06-19 13:16:23来源: 新浪

叶江川与比赛组织者谷笑冰 新浪体育讯 当扬州国际象棋女子特级大师巴斯克赛落幕之际,国家体育总局棋牌运动管理中心副 主任、中国国际象棋协会秘书长、中国国际象棋队总教练叶江川来到现场观摩比赛。他说:“我也是第一次观看这样的比赛,感到这个比赛既新颖,又对棋手的水平 具有很好的检验价值,还考...

Ye Jiangchuan and competition organizers Gu Xiaobing of sina sports dispatch when the Yangzhou chess woman grandmaster Basikesai ending, deputy director of the State Sports General Administration of Sports Management Center chess and the Chinese chess association secretary general, Chinese chess team head coach Ye Jiangchuan to the scene to watch the game. He said: "I is the first time to watch this game, feel the competition not only novel, but also has a very good test value of player's level, but also test the...