新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2015年上海海事大学硕士研究生调剂问答


Adjust q&a of Shanghai maritime university in 2015

2015-02-25 18:56:13来源: 新浪

新浪教育[微博]讯 据上海海事大学研究生招生网官方消息,接收2015年硕士研究生调剂的通知已发布,详情如下: 各位考生:欢迎报考和调剂我校。今年我校硕士研究生调剂、复试和录取工作的相关问题解答如下...

Sina education [microblogging] According to the Shanghai maritime university graduate admissions official news network, receiving 2015 graduate regulate notice has been published, details are as follows: each examinee: welcome to enter oneself for an examination and adjust our school. Dispensing and second-round exam of postgraduate in our school this year and admissions related question answer is as follows...