新关注 > 信息聚合 > 刘嘉玲大秀性感美腿 躺游艇与外国帅哥对饮(图)

刘嘉玲大秀性感美腿 躺游艇与外国帅哥对饮(图)

Carina Lau shows off her sexy legs lying yacht with foreign guy drink (map)

2015-01-30 15:03:16来源: 中国新闻网

参与互动() 中新网1月30日电 昨晚,刘嘉玲在微博晒出自己在新片中的剧照,照片中,刘嘉玲戴着黑色太阳帽和大墨镜,身穿高开衩长裙,大秀白皙美腿。另一张图中,她躺在游艇上,与一名外国帅哥对饮香槟,十分性感。 剧照曝光后,网友纷纷赞刘嘉玲保养好,“美是种态度,与年龄无关”,“有谁50...

participate in interactive () in new network on 30 January, last night, Carina Lau out their in the film stills, in micro-blog photos, Carina Lau wore a black sun hat and sunglasses, wearing high slits long skirt, the big show white beautiful leg. Another picture, she was lying on a yacht, and a foreign guy drink champagne, very sexy. Stills exposure, users have praised Carina Lau maintains, "beauty is a kind of attitude, has nothing to do with age", "who is 50...