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C罗斩贝帅时代首球+获评MVP 率BBC宣战巴萨

Cristiano ronaldo to cut benitez era first ball + crowned MVP rate war on BBC Barcelona

2015-07-24 22:05:48来源: 新浪

C罗射门瞬间 新浪体育讯 这是一场振奋皇马士气的比赛,对待英超劲旅曼城,皇马打入了4个进球,而且球队头号巨星C罗能量十足,心情看上去也不错,脸上充满笑容。本泽马、贝尔的表现也不错,贝尼特斯举起了...

Cristiano ronaldo shot moments Dispatch of sina sports This is a real morale, treat the premier league rivals Manchester city, real Madrid scored four goals, and the team's superstar cristiano ronaldo energized, mood also look good, full of smile on his face. Benzema, bear's performance is good also, benitez has held up...