新关注 > 信息聚合 > 曝广厦签约帕戈 弃吉布森因其伤病未愈

曝广厦签约帕戈 弃吉布森因其伤病未愈

Exposure Guangsha signed Gibson Jannero Pargo abandoned due to his injury healed

2015-07-02 14:59:34来源: 新浪

广厦男篮随队记者透露广厦队已经签下了外援帕戈 北京时间7月2日,据广厦男篮随队记者吴振瑜透露,广厦男篮已经签下了外援杰里米-帕戈,以取代后卫吉布森。而之所以放弃吉布森,是因为后者自14-15赛季...

Guangsha men's basketball team reporter revealed Guangsha team has signed the foreign aid Jannero Pargo Beijing time on July 2, Guangsha men's basketball team reporter Chen Yu Wu, according to sources, Guangsha team has signed the foreign aid Jeremy Pargo, to replace the defender Gibson. And the reason to give up Gibson, because the latter since the 14-15 season...