新关注 > 信息聚合 > 全国激光美容讲习团巡讲大会首次在南昌举行


The laser beauty group tour for the first time in Nanchang assembly meeting held

2015-04-28 11:10:24来源: 中新网江西分社

激光讲习团为韩美专家授牌 巡讲团及与会激光皮肤专家合影 中新网江西频道4月25日电 4月25日,由中国医师协会美容与整形分会主办,南昌大学第二附属医院、南昌韩美美容医院共同承办的激光美容规范操作...

laser group as the Korea US assembly and the expert award xunjiangtuan laser skin expert group photo Beijing Jiangxi channel in April 25, April 25th, sponsored by the Zhongguo Yishi Xiehui branch and the plastic beauty, laser beauty norms of the second Affiliated Hospital of Nanchang University, Nanchang Han beauty hospital hosted operation...