新关注 > 信息聚合 > 拒绝单调配色 市售多彩配色时尚手机推荐

拒绝单调配色 市售多彩配色时尚手机推荐

Monotone color colorful color refused to commercially available are recommended

2014-09-14 09:28:46来源: 新浪

虽然关注手机功能配置的消费者有很多,但外观设计仍然是影响消费者选购手机 的重要因素之一。近年来,直板大屏成为最常见的手机造型,不同机型之间的外观设计主要集中在色彩款式上。曾几何时,多彩设计在手机中得...

while focusing on mobile phone configuration features of the consumer has a lot of, but the appearance design is still one of the important factors that influence consumers to buy mobile phone. In recent years, straight big screen become the most common mobile phone design, appearance design between the different models are mainly concentrated in the color style. Only a short while ago, colorful design in the mobile phone in...