新关注 > 信息聚合 > 周琦抵京今晚与男篮会合:能适应试训对抗


Housekeeper in Beijing tonight to meet men's basketball team, able to adapt to trial

2016-05-25 09:58:30来源: 新浪

周琦结束了在美国的试训返回北京 新浪体育讯 北京时间5月25日消息,今天早晨,从美国乘机返回的周琦出现在了北京首都机场。他身穿一件红色T恤,头戴棒球帽走出了机场,引起了不少人的关注。 据透露...

Kevin ended the trial in the United States back to Beijing Dispatch of sina sports This morning, Beijing time on May 25 message, housekeeper flew home from the United States appeared in the Beijing capital airport. He was wearing a red T-shirt and a baseball cap out of the airport, to cause the attention of many people. It has been revealed...