新关注 > 信息聚合 > 李厚霖,对慈善事业不遗余力的钻石大亨


Li Houlin, spare no effort to charity diamond magnate

2015-05-20 10:00:13来源: 大众网

李厚霖不仅拥有成功的事业,不仅被誉为钻石大亨,他还是一个对慈善事业不遗余力的慈善家。为了西藏许多雪盲的儿童,五次进藏,翻山越岭,明知自己的高原反应很强,依然坚持不懈的跟着医疗队伍前行。 因为商业上...

Li Houlin not only have a successful career, not only was hailed as the diamond magnate, he or a spare no effort to charity philanthropist. For many Tibetan snow blind children, five times in Tibet, mountains, knowing that their response to the plateau strong, still persistent follow the medical team forward. Because of business...