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不敌邹市明对手心服口服 李胜:胜利如同救心丸

Lost to rival convinced Sheng Zou Shiming: Victory Like Pills

2016-01-31 00:47:18来源: 搜狐

(搜狐体育 郭健1月30日发自上海)凭借第八回合2分17秒的TKO(技术击倒),两届奥运会得主邹市明赢得了“王者归来-拳力的崛起”职业拳赛与巴西新锐纳坦-桑塔纳-库蒂尼奥一战的胜利,从而彻底摆脱了去...

(Sohu Sports Guo Jian from Shanghai January 30) by virtue of the eighth round of 2 minutes 17 seconds TKO (technical knockout), two-time Olympic medalist Zou Shiming won the "Return of the King - boxing ability Rise of" professional boxing tournament and cutting-edge Natan Brazil - Santana - Kudiniao a war victory, which completely get rid of the go ...