新关注 > 信息聚合 > 唐山遵化把“青年中心”建在青年心中打造“梦想..


Tangshan Zunhua "Youth Center" built in the minds of youth to create a "dream..

2015-11-03 16:53:10来源: 中国网

国际在线报道(驻唐山站记者 赵锡臣 通讯员 周宏武严海滨):11月2日下午,遵化青年中心热闹非凡:台上,一名主持人详细介绍着光宽带、数据专线、物联网一卡通等互联网项目;台下,80余名创业青年交头接耳、跃跃欲试……这是唐山遵化市团市委利用青年中心平台,与移动公司共同举办的“服务青年就业创业...

international online report (in Tangshan station reporter Zhao Xichen correspondent Hong Wu Zhou Yan Haibin): November 2 in the afternoon, youth centers in Zunhua bustling: table, a host of details with optical broadband, data lines, networking card Internet Project; and, more than 80 youth entrepreneurship whisper, eager to...... This is the Zunhua municipal Party committee of Tangshan City, the use of youth center platform, and the Mobile Corporation jointly organized by the service youth employment and entrepreneurship...